The guide to everything controls for 1675 members.
MyClass myObj = new MyClass();
.public class [name] {
.public [name]([arguments]) {
public class Car {
String model;
int miles;
int speed
public Car(String mo, int mi, int s) {
model = mo;
miles = mi;
speed = s;
// fullThrottle() method
public void fullThrottle() {
System.out.println("The car is going as fast as it can!");
// setSpeed() method
public void setSpeed(int s) {
speed = s;
// getSpeed() method
public void getSpeed() {
System.out.println("The car is going " + speed + " miles per hour.");
public class Main {
// Inside main, call the methods on the myCar object
public static void main(String[] args) {
Car myCar = new Car("CRV", 100000, 0); // Create a myCar object and call the constructor
myCar.fullThrottle(); // Call the fullThrottle() method
myCar.setSpeed(70); // Call the setSpeed() method
myCar.getSpeed(); // Call the getSpeed() method
but replace Animal
with the name of your specific animal.NEW FILE
public class Axolotl {
// list the variables you chose while brainstorming along with their appropriate types
int age;
// int somethingCool;
// double anotherExampleVariable;
// boolean underwater;
// constructor method (called automatically when an Axolotl is created)
public Axolotl(int a) {
// set the Axolotl's age to the value of parameter "a"
age = a;
// write your methods here along with their appropriate return types
public void growOlder(int years) {
age = age + years;
// For every variable you add to your class, add a method to print out that value
public void printAge() {
System.out.println("Age = " + age);
Within “ClassExercise”, create a new file named
and populate it with the following code:
Be sure to change this code to interact with your animal class too!
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Axolotl ancientJerry = new Axolotl(10000); // Instantiates a new Axolotl within the variable "ancientJerry" and sets its initial age to 10000
// test out some of the methods you created for your animal:
ancientJerry.printAge(); // displays the age of ancientJerry
ancientJerry.growOlder(100); // call to one of the Axolotl class methods to increase age
ancientJerry.printAge(); // displays the new age of ancientJerry
// feel free to create more objects using the class:
Axolotl jerryJunior = new Axolotl(5);
jerryJunior.growOlder(100); // jerryJunior is growing up!!
System.out.println("Ancient Jerry has finally died :[");
to see how your animal changes with each call.